

▼ The entrance to the toilet in many houses is next to the restaurant, there will be feng shui taboos, then make a beautiful wall and hide it together!
▼ 許多住宅興建時格局動線不佳,廁所的入口又在餐廳餐桌的旁邊,除了有風水禁忌,間接影響屋主在餐廳吃飯感覺也不佳,這時可以運用裝修技巧來破解,也不需要大興土木改廁所等,做個漂亮的牆面及隱藏門一起把它藏起來就可以破解風水上的所說的煞氣

▼ The bathroom is next to the porch shoe cabinet, so it is also designed with a hidden door in the shape of a full-length mirror
▼ 浴室在玄關鞋櫃旁邊,所以也搭配設計了有[全身鏡功能]的造型隱藏門

▼ 有[全身鏡功能]的造型隱藏門-隱藏了浴室入口
▼ Full-length mirror-hides the bathroom entrance

▼ This case is a Japanese room space. The left side is the hidden door of the toilet, and the right side is the hidden door of the staircase. In addition to being beautiful, the staircase door also has the function of preventing the leakage of air-conditioning. These two doors are combined into a [和室 sliding door] effect and designed at the same time It also creates an atmosphere of Japanese Zen style
▼ 此案為和室空間,左邊為廁所隱藏門,右邊為樓梯隱藏門,樓梯門除美觀外也有為防止冷氣效能外洩功能,將此2處門片結合成[和室拉門]效果,同時設計上也營造有日式禪風意境的氛圍

▼ The entrance to the dressing room of the master bedroom is combined with the main wall at the head of the bed to make a symmetrical shape, which achieves the beauty of the main wall at the head of the bed, and also breaks the taboo of the "door in the room" of Fengshui!
▼ 將主臥房更衣室入口結合床頭主牆做對稱造型,達到了床頭主牆美觀外,也破解了風水上"房中門"的禁忌!

▼ Hidden door cracks the entrance of the toilet. Feng Shui taboo next to the dining table in the restaurant
▼ 隱藏門破解廁所的入口在餐廳餐桌旁邊的風水禁忌

▼ Hidden door breaks the taboo of "door in room" and "room in room" in master bedroom
▼ 隱藏門破解主臥房"房中門""房中房"的禁忌

▼ Hidden door cracks the entrance of the toilet. Feng Shui taboo next to the dining table in the restaurant
▼ 隱藏門破解廁所入口在餐廳餐桌旁的風水禁忌,結合整體新古典風格設計